With the incredible intellect of creation we see all around us, from the smallest life-form, the ameoba, and what

 appears to be its thinking properties to fullfill its own tasks, - it has a real purpose - to the

 most complex being, the human, and with the certainly perfect life-form progressive paths of

 trails from the simplest to the most complex,, why do we all exist, and why does all the material

 required for each life-form exist and in the amounts needed for comfort and successive generations?

 Here is what the Holy spirits of truth say, and which is still seen to some degree in the holy Bible,

 although the many language translations and interpretations by religious leaders, the overall patterns

 are still identified in today's Bible translations........

  Our Planet is  part of the system of the Physical Universe, in the realm called Earth

 in the Old Testament. Paradise (with the Garden of Eden) is that Heavenly realm of light

where eons ago, we all in this world in "The Outer Darkness" (like the night sky),  were par

 of the rebellion in Heaven, and are the 1/3 of the Heavenly spirits along with Adam and Eve,

 who were deceived and followed  lucifer (also known as satan,  meaning "adversary of God)

 into with corruption, and were kicked by God out of Paradise in Heaven long ago. 

 This is the "Original Sin" of which the Bible speaks and also that which we who are in this realm in

 the Earth realm are guilty of, like Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, later, among the rising spirits

incarnating  through the stages of spiritual evolution through the animal kingdom in increasing stages

of upward-only  progression, were the first two on this planet who had made it to the human stage

and were therefore the  first two mentioned in the Bible who were the first to materialize on this

planet. God directly materialized  these first two spirits, which we read in the Bible that God took the

"dirt", or "clay", which we might today say "earth elements", or others might call 'earthly OD" . It is simply

the material of this planet which our bodies are made from.

   After Adam and Eve's physical bodies were created for their spirits to be on the physical plane on this planet, God

 having made them with the ability to pro-create, told them to be 'fruitful and multiply", which applies to having babies,

but also refers to teaching good character to their children. This is the manner all other spirits incarnated through

birth by way of ancestry of Adam and Eve  as humans.  The spiritual evolution is the Plan of Salvation

created by God to lead the fallen spirits (we all), back  to Heaven stage by stage. The prophet Daniel

relates to this rising back to God by his description of the dream  of a ladder which rises to Heaven

from hell, and of the lower spirits rising up that ladder, step by step, and the  Heavenly spirits

reaching down to help we fallen spirits in our stages of redemption back to God.

   What is Man?

              For Man (male and female), It is the  Life Purpose of every person who comes to this planet to clear their path to God,

and  to remove their personal  flaws in character, in order  to draw nearer the Source of all Truth, God Himself.

To this end every human has been  assigned  a Heavenly spirit guide from  God at their moment of birth in order

to not only protect  them from the evil spirit world which roams, seeking to destroy whom they might, but especially

 to guide that soul  towards God through life.,and to punish to the degree by a means of allowing a person suffering for their

bad choices until they see why rebelling against God's laws are unfruitful.

  How a  person chooses to live their life will in the end be their  spiritual grade once returned to the spirit world.

The spirit world is the true existence.

          This physical existence is merely the classroom by which lower spirits incarnate (meaning "in flesh") in order to learn how to become more refined in nature.

Each planet  is created by God  and many with varying levels of progression and types of creatures progressing

together as on this planet.

On our planet,  and with  the stages of animal  and life existence,

from the lowest and simplest life form, the single celled amoeba, to the most complex, the human life form, each level

 of progression is a set stage of development, unchangeable, and is created as a level of school of refinement for the fallen spirits,

         What the mind attracts itself  to in a person's lifetime becomes that focus, which,   once removed  from the physical world 

by physical death, and having returned  to the spirit world   - the real and original, and  true world -    draws their spirit   (whether

creature or human)  toward  those areas of other spirits  with similar interests as themselves. 

    An evil minded person would draw toward  the evil spirits whom they would have followed in thoughts during their years

of life on the physical plane on one or another  planet which holds physical life of that stage.

There are many planets teaming with creatures of different sorts, just like  this planet, and are learning to progress toward

 harmony in Christ as are all creatures on our planet.   The Universe, like our oceans, are teaming  with life.   

     How rapidly a spirit progresses is up the the free choice of each individual.  Their desire and interest is the draw, up or down.

Like a ball which floats in liquid and rises or falls according to it's weight, so the weight of the mind, whether lofty and

 pure in heart and light, or heavy-minded, self-centered and petty, so a spirit will draw toward those areas in the spirit

world similar in vibration and interest as themselves.

A selfish person will still be selfish at their death and return to the spirit world and will naturally draw toward those

levels of similarity. A joyful, generous spirit will rise according to their love and harmony of their character.

 How you think is where you go, those of similar type are attracted to similar vibrations and levels of existence in the

 spirit world.  At any time a human or spirit can change their thinking (repent), and begin to choose better things, can

 begin to pray to God in a desire to seek truth over lies, good over evil.  God sends His angels according to the need of

 the individual.

      There is no eternal hell as falsely  taught in churches today.  There is Salvation for all, eventually, as the Bible relates

many times.  The oldest  Biblical translations did not even mention  'eternal hell'  but recorded  that the punishments of hell

 are only  for an eon a limited time, of suffering in hell for sins.  Once a spirit finally tired of repeating the same

mistakes and suffering for it on their own, without any intervention on the part of God to rescue them because of their own

 refusal of God's help,  that spirit would eventually desire to no longer  continue to choose rebellious and selfish ideals. At 

 every stage of repentance (meaning "changing one's thinking")  a spirit is instantly forgiven by God.

        Every fallen spirit is allowed  as many opportunities required in reincarnation physical lifetimes, in order to complete

their  journey upward to Heaven. Paradise in Heaven is the Original world,  and where all spirits existed before their  rebellion

with lucifer eons ago in Paradise, before being kicked out before their infection of corruption could spread to more in Heaven.

   A spirit's or person's salvation depends upon their personal choice to return  their original nature to near perfection once

 in Heaven long ago.

   The rebel spirits in Paradise rejected  Christ as Lord and God-appointed King over all the spirit world,  and fell with lucifer

 to Earth, this Outer Darkness, called hell. In order to return to Heaven, so a reversal of that choice is

 the requirement, to reject lucifer and to accept  God's only directly Divine-created Son, Jesus Christ as Lord and King only again. 

  God Created Christ with his counterpart female in Heaven as the first Born, and through whom all other beings came into

 being over ages of time. The Bible says God created male and female, to be fruitful and multiply. This applies to the Heavenly

 existence, This world is only modeled after the spirit world, (though in a much lesser perfected state) as a means to

 redevelop that better character within.  Every other creature was created through Christ, the Son of God.

      Once a person or a spirit  reverses their thinking (repents)  from evil, and turns back to God and Christ, the Scriptures

 say that God does forgive us, and will immediately help each spirit to rise out of their present circumstances to a better

  environment in order to learn how to become good, and prepare for our eventual return, step by step, to Paradise in Heaven.

         In the New Testament,  Christ tells to his listeners the story of the 'prodigal son', and how once that son repents of

his sins, he is  allowed back into his father's house with open arms. This reference is  specifically about lucifer, who will be

 the last spirit, the originator of the rebellion, who will be allowed back into Heaven. But Christ's story also refers to

 each and every fallen spirit who reside in this lower  universe of  the "Outer Darkness"  we call Earth. It's not only

this planet that the Bible calls Earth, but this entire Universe and the tremendous expanse of all the spirit world of

darkness that this relatively small physical universe is placed into that is called Earth in the Bible.

         Many a spirit has, while incarnated on this planet,  wasted their life  chasing  money, fame or power and committed

 other evil choices purposely.  Each individual is at least somewhat aware of their bad choices, even though one might try

 to ignore the Heavenly call to do good, and to harden their conscience against the voices of Heaven to follow Christ first.

          The spirit world is filled with humans regretting their misspent lives, often begging  God to return  quickly to the planet into

another re-incarnation for another opportunity to work out their salvation, and to make things right with those they caused harm. 

But because there are so many spirits who are desirous of salvation and for a chance at the school of life, there is a type of

 log-jam in the spirit world. The many human lives today are so misspent on material and selfish choices, and in not progressing

 they become a large crowd of billions of spirits now surrounding the planetary systems eager to reach back into the physical

 plane, having wasted their former lives with frivolous life decisions.   Other spirits who did not waste their former life are more

worthy to reincarnate first, and to receive that opportunity at another lifetime in continual progression. The spirits who used their 

previous life-time  recklessly  must wait, while those of more willing hearts are allowed a chance first.

The first would now be last in a sense, as the Bible says.

         The only reason for  a physical life is  to improve one's character  toward Christ, so that  once returned to the spirit world,

they would have repaired the relationships and been forgiven for  their sins of previous lives, and would have

 progressed passed that stage of personal development.  The True Purpose of a human life is to learn and to  pass

the spiritual tests of good  character which have been set before each spirit by the  holy spirit who arrive as guides and teachers. 

         When a spirit  utilizes the gift of a lifetime given to them as an opportunity to fulfill their duty to God

 and not to worldly or  selfish ends, they will be given further opportunities in higher spheres than this

 planetary level and higher, in order to further refine their nature in preparation for that final destination of

 the realms of Light in Heaven.  

         God doesn't punish us by sending us to hell. We do this ourselves  by following dark choices that  draw

us downward. Like a magnet, each spirit draws toward a crowd similar to their own selves - good with good,

evil with evil, selfish with selfish, or thoughtful and refined with the similar as their own self.

      It has been said by the holy spirits that if a person uses their life to the best of their ability to pass their

spiritual tests, they can complete their need to ever return to a physical life time. And further, the Heavenly

 spirits clarified that, even though there are mistakes in the holy Scriptures, if any person reads and

 then does what Christ and God said to become, to do and how to think, that person would

 receive the same salvation as any other redeemed spirit.   That spirit can continue on

to higher stages, not needing to return to the earth planetary levels of education.

      Once having passed all the requirements of intellect and natural refinement of character, a spirit will be ready

to continue on to higher destinations, cities and planes created our Heavenly Father as part of the next

stages of  our Redemption. There are many levels of progression between this earth, the 9th realm and

Paradise, the 10th realm, the first of the Heavenly realms where lucifer and his minions are not allowed

to interfere. There are also many parallel spirit spheres as those levels of existence here on this planet,

with trees, flowers, fruit, mountains and valleys, and all of the living patterns we see on our planet. The

physical plane is only a replication of the spirit world, the spirit world being the true and original existence,

and the physical planes only being a school of lessons to refine the character of each spirit that incarnates.

The only spirits that incarnate are the fallen 1/3 of rebels who fell with lucifer from Heaven, which the Bible

calls "the Original Sin".  There is only one exception to this and that is there are handfuls of Heavenly spirits

we read of in the Old and New Testament whose faith and good character was tested often in this world and

who consistently proved they were of pure character and were examples with messages from Heaven for mankind

to learn by. Job, Abraham, Isaiah, Elijah, Moses, Aaron, Mary the mother of Jesus and, of course, Jesus Christ

Himself, were among  of those Heavenly spirits who are known who incarnated on this planet, who never fell,

were never part of the rebellion with lucifer eons of time ago in Heaven.

       The acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord  and King is the greatest requirement in our redemption.

It was Christ who we of this world, rebelled against when we sided with lucifer, the first of the liars in the

 Great Rebellion in Heaven eons ago. It is therefore a requirement as part of our lessons, to reverse that evil


       God created the Physical Universe as His Plan of Salvation,  giving mankind His Son, Jesus Christ,

our only  true King.  This world is the fallen world which Christ came to forgive and redeem.


  - You can read more in better detail of this wonderful Plan Of Salvation, the good news, of  God's forgiveness,

in Johannes Greber's most remarkable book  titled "Communication With the Spirit World of God, It's

Laws and Purpose" (1932).   Now available again today, at Amazon or Alibris UK.

   Chapters can can be found on the  pages of this website at the top. Please download and share it  with anyone

 you choose.


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