Communication With The
Spirit World of God




BY Johannes Greber, (taken from the 1932 original book)

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God’s Creation and Its Vicissitudes (book chapter)                            

“...but Thou hast ordered all things in measure and
number and weight. For Thou canst show Thy
great strength at all times when Thou wilt.”
Wisdom 11:20, 21.

GOD is a spirit, and everything created by
Him is spirit. It was in His image that He
called into existence spirit-beings in
numbers so vast, that no figures devised by man can
even begin to express them.
“In what manner the infinitely great and almighty God
created the spirit-world is something that you as a
mortal could not understand were I to try to explain it.
A knowledge of this is not necessary to man and is of
no value to the good of his soul. It is sufficient for him
to know how he stands with regard to God’s Creation,
in order that he may learn why he was placed on earth
and what tasks he has to fulfill during his stay there. To
teach you these things is the purpose of what I am
about to tell you of the Creation.
“God did not create the world at one stroke. God is the
great Architect who, with strict observance of laws
conceived with infinite wisdom, builds up little things
into large ones, simple things into complex, and, out of
a single seed, produces the tree with its millions of
seeds; who builds up the family, not by calling into
existence parents and children simultaneously, but by
first creating the parents and endowing them with the
power of reproduction, so that in time the family may
grow through the birth of the offspring, and that, out of
this family new ones may arise without limit.
“In a similar manner God proceeded with the creation
of the spirit-realm. Every law which you find on earth,
exists in the spirit-word also. I have told you this
repeatedly and insistently and shall emphasize it once
more, because it is the basic truth underlying all
knowledge of the Beyond, whether you believe it, or
whether you reject it with a smile of incredulity.
“Thus you may shake your head in unbelief when I tell
you that the law which prevails in Nature on earth, with
all living things, namely, that of reproduction by the
union of the male and the female, must and does apply
to the same extent in spirit-creation. For matter is
merely the incarnation of the ethereal, and hence
merely another state of spirit for which the spirit-laws
are not abrogated, but applied in a way which is
adapted to matter. Just as in material creation there are
males and females in every species, so too there are
male and female spirits in the spirit-creation. Among
spirits there are as many males as there are females, a
female spirit being allotted to each male, according to
God’s law. They are invariably perfectly mated, and
find their greatest happiness in mutually supplying
each other’s limitations and in faithful collaboration in
the task which God has assigned to them.
“Such spirit couples which were created for each other
are known as ‘duals,’ a term intended to express: ‘two
who belong to each other.’ These are the matches that
were made in Heaven. None but God, not even the
‘Son of God’ known to you as ‘Christ,’ is exempt from
the union of the male with the female. To all created
spirits the words of the Bible apply: ‘Male and female
created He them,’and ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’
“Christ is the highest Spirit which the omnipotent God
could create. He is in every way God’s most perfect
image, so far as any created spirit can possess the
Creator’s perfection. Hence Saint Paul rightly calls
Him ‘the image of the invisible God, the first-born of
all creation.’(Colossians 1:15.) Christ is, therefore, not
God, as is so generally taught today, but the first
created ‘son of God’, and, as such, His highest and
most perfect Creature.
“Following Christ, six further spirits, also called ‘Sons
of God’ came into being, but these owe the existence
of their spiritual bodies to the first-created Son and are
His inferiors in power, greatness and glory.
“The second ‘son of God’ was he whom you call
‘Lucifer’ the ‘Light-Bearer’ next to Christ the greatest
of created spirits and subsequently a rebel against God.
Still another of God’s seven sons is met with in the
story of Tobias in which the great celestial spirit which
had accompanied the young Tobias in human form
made itself known to the youth’s family with the
words: ‘I am Raphael, one of God’s seven sons.’
(Tobias 12:15.)
“Save for the first created Son of God, the entire spirit-
world was brought into existence not by direct Divine
creation, as was God’s first-born Son, but was called
into being through that Son upon Whom God had
conferred creative power. Hence Saint Paul writes in
his epistle to the Colossians: ‘For in him (Christ) were
all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth,
things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or principalities or powers; all things have
been created through him, and unto him, and he is
before all things, and in him all things consist’.
(Colossians 1:16, 17.) Just as the whole human race
has the source of its corporeal existence in the first so
the whole spirit-world owes its physical existence to
Christ; and as men have inherited only their corporeal
bodies from their first ancestor through many
generations, while their spirit is united with their body
in every instance without any collaboration on the part
of their procreators, so the celestial beings owe their
spiritual bodies to the Firstling of celestial creation, to
the first-born Son of God, while their spirits, as coming
from God, are always joined by Him to their spiritual
bodies. After what I have already told you of the
difference between ‘celestial’ and ‘terrestrial’ bodies,
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you will know how to distinguish between the two. In
ultra-mundane beings the body exists in spiritual form,
a subject to which Saint Paul alludes in his first epistle
to the Corinthians: ‘There are also celestial bodies and
bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one,
and the glory of the terrestrial is another... If there is a
natural body, there is also a spiritual body. (1st
Corinthians 15:40-44.) The spirit receives its shape in
what is called the ‘odic body’, being itself a spark of
the Divine fire, which shines according to the lodging
in which it is housed. I am now speaking
metaphorically only, but there is no other way of
presenting the facts relating to things spiritual to you
mortals, than by employing incomplete metaphors.
“As in terrestrial creation you have the most widely
divergent kinds and orders of living organisms, high
and low, although each one is perfectly designed to
fulfill its functions, so too there is a wonderful variety
of kinds and orders among the spirits which God has
shaped into individuals endowed with celestial bodies.
In your Bible, you yourselves distinguish between
cherubim, seraphim, archangels, dominions, powers
and principalities.
“The spirit-world created through Christ and united
with Him in a communion, formed a wonderful living
organism in which all spirits were members of a
spiritual community, although they differed in kind and
perfection. Like the members of a terrestrial body,
which, though having different shapes and functions,
yet constitute an organic whole in which no member is
superfluous while none is independent of the others,
the spirit-creation formed a spiritual body of which
Christ was the head, the members being composed of
the other spirits. In a well-ordered kingdom on earth
the king, as the head of the country, together with his
ministers and his officials high and low, and the mass
of his subjects, constitutes a single great family in
which everyone works for the common good, upon
which, in turn, depends the welfare of the individual.
The same was true of the great family of the spirits.
Every spirit had its allotted task, great or small, but
together they all formed one great and glorious unit, in
which no spirit was superfluous and in which no spirit
worked for itself alone, but in which all collaborated
with each other at the wondrous task to be fulfilled by
God’s Creation. It was intended that they should share
in the labors of God, and, consequently, in the
happiness and beauty of Him Who had called them into
existence, in the glory of God and of Christ, their King
whom God had anointed.
“Hence Saint Paul in his epistles constantly refers to
the ‘secret of the body of Christ’. ‘For even as we have
many members in one body, and all members have not
the same office: so we, who are many, are one body in
Christ, and severally members one of another. And
having gifts differing according to the grace that was
given to us...’ (Romans 12:4-6.) ‘We must be faithful
to the true doctrine and in time through love make all
creatures spiritual members of him who is our spiritual
head namely Christ. For through him the spiritual body
is fitly put together and joined into one structure in
which each member has its duty to perform according
to the strength with which it is endowed as a part of the
whole. Thus each member helps to build up the
spiritual body until the spiritual edifice of Christ is
completed, resting on a foundation of love’. (Ephesians
4:15, 16.) ‘Christ is the Head for which the whole
spiritual body is knit and held together by its joints and
sinews, and thus grows, as God ordained’. (Colossians
“This great communion of spirits is also referred to by
Saint Paul as the ‘church’. (Colossians 1:18.) ‘He has
put all things under his rule and has made him the
supreme head of the church, the ‘Church’ being his
spiritual body which he restores in its entirety by re-
uniting with himself all parts of the universe’.
(Ephesians 1:22-23.)
“The ‘church’ is, therefore, the communion of spirits
loyal to God under the rule of Christ. The word
‘church’ signifies the ‘rule of the Lord’. Whoever
pledges his allegiance to this rule and consequently, to
God, belongs to the ‘church’. The true meaning of the
word ‘church’ has, therefore, nothing in common with
your worldly churches and religious denominations,
which are the work of man, conceived in human error,
and, like all of man’s handiwork, ephemeral.
“What Saint Paul describes as the spiritual body of
Christ was a literal fact in the spirit-creation. All spirit-
beings, brought into existence were members of the
great spiritual organization and were subject to Christ,
its Head. They were, however, under no compulsion,
enjoying perfect liberty and being free to follow their
own will in all things. All of them were truly devoted
to Christ, God’s Regent and their King, and through
Him, to God. This great spiritual family was closely
united in the bonds of love. Christ’s rule as God’s
regent was not that of a despot, but one of brotherly
guidance; it was the protecting hand of the strong
extended to shield the weak.
“In view of their freedom of action, which was the
highest gift conferred upon the spirits by the Creator, it
was possible for them to refuse obedience to the laws
of the King whom God had set over them, for the
words of the Bible: ‘Even on his heavenly servants he
cannot rely; his very angels he convicts of error’, (Job
4:18) and ‘Even on his angels God cannot rely, the
very heavens are stained to Him’ (Job 15:15) are true
of every created spirit, save only of the first Son of
God. And yet, the spirits are holy so long as they
recognize the authority over them of God and of
Christ, and do not by apostasy, secede from God’s
“Unhappily the defection of a large part of the spirit-
world from God came about through rebellion against
Christ. It was not, as you teach, a direct rebellion
against God Himself, but against the Regent appointed
by Him.
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“This was the first revolt, which took a course more
human than you could imagine. It was an exact
counterpart of the revolutions you have on earth. In
your own uprisings, it is not the physical bodies of the
revolutionists which lay the plans and attempt to carry
them out, but their minds. And if you follow the origin
and history of human revolutions in all their details,
you will get a very faithful picture of what happened
during the first revolt in God’s spirit-world.
”All revolutions are planned well in advance. They do
not come suddenly. They usually originate with some
ringleader who wins as many adherents as possible to
his cause, unfolds his plans to them and promises them
high offices and places of influence in the event of
success. Those so initiated next go to work, carefully at
first but gradually more openly, on the great mass of
the people, without whose help no revolution is
possible. This mass of so-called partisans, who do most
of the vociferating and shouting in human revolutions
generally know nothing of what it is all about. They
join the movement because others do, and shout
because others shout. They are, therefore, less guilty
than the ringleaders who considered their plans with all
of the consequences thereof beforehand, and carefully
prepared for all eventualities. These know exactly what
they are doing and hence, even when judged by human
laws, are subject to the greater penalties, whereas the
mass of their followers are judged and dealt with much
more leniently.
“The ringleader in the revolt in God’s spirit-kingdom
was Lucifer, the ‘Light-bearer’, the second son of God,
and after Christ, the highest and fairest spirit in
Creation. What was his aim? He was ambitious: he
wanted to be the supreme ruler, being unwilling to
occupy a second place, subordinate to a superior. He
wanted to step into Christ’s place and to reign in His
stead. He wanted to usurp his Brother.
“This plan did not come to him suddenly; it matured
gradually within him, until his determination became
fixed and found consummation in the sin which
eventually besmirched this high spirit.
“God did not interfere to stifle the revolt in its birth
and to prevent it by force as He could have done. He
leaves His creatures free to act as they choose, just as
among men He does not intervene when they begin to
plan a crime and prepare for its execution. So He
allowed Lucifer and his fellow ringleaders to proceed
and did nothing to hinder them from trying to corrupt
the higher and more influential spirits and to mislead
the masses of the partisans with promises. It was the
supreme test to which God desired to put the whole
created spirit-world, leaving it free to decide whether it
would remain true to Christ as its lawful King, or
whether it would desert to Lucifer.
“One of the partisans, of whom there were many in all
ranks of the spirits, was a prince known in your Bible
as Adam, the name he bore as a human being. Of these
princes there were many in God’s spirit-kingdom, each
of them, like Adam, the ruler of numerous subjects.
Not a few of the princes became ringleaders to help
Lucifer in his preparations for the revolt. Others, of
whom Adam was one, merely supported the movement,
seconded by the greater or smaller contingents of their
“The moment arrived when Lucifer and his party
considered themselves strong enough to usurp the
control of the spirit-kingdom, the more so as a large
part of Michael’s forces was ready to throw in its lot
with them. As is also true of your revolutions on earth,
great efforts had been made to win over the army to the
side of the rebels. In this, Lucifer had succeeded to a
great extent. God had maintained these forces, which
were, in a sense, a standing army provided against any
possible future need, as you also keep standing armies
as a safeguard against sudden emergencies.
“When the war broke out and the spirits had made their
choice whether to fight for or against Christ, God
intervened. The hour of trial was over; covert and open
treason had become a fact, and the punishment was at
hand. Prince Michael received orders to overthrow the
rebels with the legions which had remained loyal, and,
armed with the might of God, he obeyed. Fearful was
the fate which overtook the one-time Light-bearer and
his chief henchmen. They were driven into the deepest
spheres of Creation, into darkness and horror of which
you can form no conception, not even were I to attempt
to describe them. The darkness which you know on
earth may give you a faint idea, for, as you know,
darkness comes on with the waning of light and
becomes ever denser as the light continues to fail.
Darkness, therefore, owes its being to the withdrawal
of light, but of what it consists is beyond your
comprehension. You do know, however, that a mixture
of all colors produces white and that all colors are
contained in the light-ray; you know moreover that
black is merely the absence of all colors. Translate
these human observations of yours into the exile of the
fallen spirits from all contact with light and
consequently with all color, and you may form an idea
of the impenetrability of the gloom to which they were
consigned, even if you cannot conceive of its full

“The Scriptures contain frequent references to this war
of the spirits and to the overthrow of the evil ones.
Christ Himself says: ‘I beheld Satan fallen as lightning
from heaven’. (Luke 10:18.)
The Apostle John had a vision of the battle of Michael
and his legions with Lucifer: ‘War broke out in heaven;
Michael and his angels assailing the dragon and the
dragon and his angels offering resistance. But they
could not prevail nor could they maintain any place in
heaven’. (Revelation 12:7, 8.) Saint Peter writes: ‘Even
the fallen angels were not spared by God, but were
driven down to hell, into the caverns of darkness, there
to remain until they have repented of their ways.... (2nd
Peter 2:4.)
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“The account of the spirit-creation and of the secession
of part of the spirit-world as contained in the original
Bible was very similar to the description I have given
you. Subsequently however it was deleted.
“In considering the defection of a great part of the
spirit-world, men may well ask: How was it at all
possible for spirits, high in rank and enjoying perfect
happiness, to fall? The reason in the case of these
spirits was the same as that which so often leads your
own souls astray: the craving for more. He who has
much, always wants more, and he whose power is
great, desires to see it augmented, even at the risk of
losing everything at one stroke. Do you not see the
same thing exemplified in the great events in the
history of mankind, and in a small way in everyday
“Ezekiel, in his lament voiced at God’s behest, over the
king of Tyre, pictures in stirring words the reason for
the king’s apostasy from God at the time of the great
revolt of the spirits under Lucifer, in which he had
taken a subordinate part and had been overthrown in
consequence: ‘Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom,
and perfect in beauty. Thou wast in Eden, the Garden
of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the
sardius, the topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the
onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the
carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tablets
and of thy pipes was in thee; in the day that thou wast
created they were prepared. Thou wast an anointed
cherub that covereth: and I set thee, so that thou wast
upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up
and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast
perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created,
till un-righteousness was found in thee. By the
abundance of thy traffic (with Lucifer) they filled the
midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned:,
therefore, I cast thee as profane out of the mountain of
God; and I have destroyed thee, O covering cherub,
from the midst of stones of fire. Thy heart was lifted up
because of thy beauty; thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
by reason of thy brightness: I have cast thee to the
ground; I have laid thee before kings, that they may
behold thee. By the multitude of thine iniquities, in the
un-righteousness of thy traffic, thou hast profaned thy
sanctuaries; therefore, I have brought forth a fire from
the midst of thee, it hath devoured thee, and I have
turned thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all
them that behold thee... thy fate is awful... (Ezekiel
“‘Thy heart was lifted up’. These words best express
the reason for the defection of the spirit-world. ‘I want
to rule, not to serve’, brought about its downfall.
“What, however, was the fate of the great mass of the
rank and file? They were far less guilty than were the
ringleaders, and since God’s punishments are always
commensurate with the offense, He could not, in
justice, commit them together with Lucifer to the pits
of darkness.
“God dealt very leniently with them, condemning them
to a relatively light penalty. He did, indeed, cast them
out from their former glory, but only to transfer them to
a sphere which, if you could see it, you would regard
as Heaven. It may not have been comparable to the
splendor which they had enjoyed in God’s kingdom,
yet it answered your conception of Paradise, for the
sphere to which the followers were transported was the
Scriptural “Paradise” even though it was not situated
on earth, as you incorrectly assume, for at that time,
material creation had not yet come into existence. The
Scriptural account of Paradise with its rivers, trees,
flowers, and fruits, has led you to think of it as being
on your planet, as you do not know that everything you
have on earth in material form, is also to be found in
spiritual form in the ultra-mundane spheres. There too
are shapes, habitations, rivers, trees, bushes, flowers,
fruit, food and drink, gold and jewels, mountains and
valleys, music and song, fragrance, color and tone.
You will find this statement of mine confirmed in many
passages of the Scriptures, where there are descriptions
of the City of God with its walls and towers, its running
waters and its blooming flowers and every treasure that
gladdens the heart. You look upon these things as
imagery. They are no imagery, but facts. Did not Christ
Himself say: ‘In the house of my Father there are many
dwellings. If there were not, I would have told you.
And because I am going there now, I will have a place
prepared for you, and when I am there and prepared a
place for you I will come back and take you with me,
that you also may be where I am’. (John 14:2-4). And
again ‘You have my solemn assurance, that I shall not
offer again a drink of the fruit of the vine, until that day
in which I drink it in God’s spirit-world and indeed in a
form as yet not known to you’. (Mark 14:25.) And in
the Old Testament did not the angel Raphael tell
Tobias: ‘I eat invisible food and drink something
invisible to human eyes’. (Tobit 12:19.) Finally, does
not the description of the fallen cherub given by the
Prophet Ezekiel, expressly mention the beautiful
garments set with jewels and embroidered with gold, in
which that spirit was clothed before its fall? Have I not
told you, when speaking to you of od, that every spirit
possesses an odic body for its spiritual body, and that
your terrestrial bodies are merely the condensed odic
ones? The most perfect state of od is, therefore, not
one of condensation into matter, but ethereal. It is not
the material, but the spiritual body that is the more
beautiful; not material but spiritual gold that has the
greater value, gold and jewels, in both material and
spirit form being nothing more or less than
marvelously prepared od, which in one case is present
in its condensed, and in the other in its un-condensed
state. This may be hard for you to understand since you
are accustomed to thinking in terms of the materialistic,
having no true conception of an ethereal state about
which you were taught nothing in your younger days.
But clairvoyants, whose spiritual vision enables them
to see the ethereal, can understand perfectly what I
have told you. They can also comprehend the
description of Paradise with its trees, herbs, fruits and
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rivers as applying to a spiritual sphere. In your own
case, what you experience, see, and hear in your
dreams, is not perceived by you physically, but appears
to you in spiritual form and shape.
“Such was the spiritual sphere of Paradise into which
the rank and file of the rebels were sent, not altogether
as a penalty, but to try them once more. It was an act of
justice and kindness on the part of God to give these
spirits one more opportunity to redeem the
transgression of which they had been guilty through
weakness. They were mere followers, who had sinned
not out of malice, but because in a moment of
weakness they had yielded to the tempter’s
blandishments. They had outwardly renounced their
allegiance to Christ’s authority, but at heart they were
still divided between Christ and Lucifer, as is the case
even today with so many people. In a way, they were
carrying water on both shoulders, but God, with
justice, demanded that they choose one way or another,
even with regard to their inner sentiments. By
transferring them into the paradisaic sphere He,
therefore, put them into a ‘neutral zone’ where they
could make up their minds at their leisure. To make
their choice would have been easy enough, had they
still retained their mental faculties to the extent to
which they possessed them while dwelling in God’s
kingdom. This, however, was not the case, for as I told
you when speaking to you of od, every act of
insubordination to God on the part of a spirit is
attended by a change in its odic body which becomes
clouded, losing its purely ethereal nature and
undergoing a certain condensation. This not only
impairs the intellect, but deprives the spirit of all
recollection of its previous existence. Consequently,
the spirits in the paradisaic sphere were unable to recall
the splendor in which they had lived in God’s kingdom
before their fall. Could they have done so, the test to
which they were submitted in Paradise would have
been impossible, for had they possessed any
consciousness of their past happiness, and compared it
with their actual lot, their choice would have been
made without a moment’s hesitation. But they
remembered nothing whatever of the splendors they
had forfeited, nor of the spirit-war which had been
fought, nor of their own treasonable attitude in that
war. They were aware only of their existence at the
moment, just as you mortals are aware only of the life
you are actually living and have no recollection of any
previous state of existence, most people believing that
their present appearance on earth as human beings is
also their first one. Of their erstwhile dwelling with
God, of their banishment from God’s kingdom in
consequence of a revolt, and of the subsequent
incarnations on earth of their spirit, they know nothing.
Only a few have a dim consciousness of having lived
“The test provided for the spirits in Paradise consisted
in a prohibition laid upon them by God, the purpose of
which they could not understand, and which the Bible
pictures as a certain fruit, to eat which they were
forbidden. This prohibition extended to all who, like
Adam, had followed in the wake of the revolution, who
dwelt in the same sphere with him and who were
clothed in a similar odic body.
“These spirits were the object of particular concern to
the loyal hosts of Heaven as well as to the sinister
Powers of the Abyss, the former seeking to persuade
them to remain steadfast and to observe God’s
command, the latter sparing no pains to convince the
spirits that it would be to their advantage to ignore the
same, by dangling alluring prospects before them. It
was the same battle that rages today about every man.
On the one hand he hears the insinuations of Evil,
counseling the violation of the Divine laws and
picturing sin in an advantageous light, and on the other,
the inner voice of conscience, warning and
admonishing him not to yield to temptation. It is for
him to decide, which of the two he will follow.
“Men, whenever they wish to attract the great mass of
the people to their cause, seek first of all to win over
persons of standing in the community, and such, whose
judgment and course of action are likely to be the
deciding factor with the masses at large.
“Such also was the case with the hosts that dwelt in
Paradise, among whom Adam, once a high prince in
Heaven, stood out prominently by virtue of his great
intellectual qualifications. It was, therefore, natural that
his attitude toward God’s prohibition would decide the
course to be taken by the other spirits in Paradise. For
this reason, Evil was primarily concerned in bringing
about his downfall, making use, for the purpose, of a
female spirit, the same one which had been allotted to
Adam as his dual, and which is known in your Bible as
‘Eve’. Eve fell a victim to the temptations of Evil, and
in her downfall, caused Adam’s as well. Their example
was followed by all the spirits dwelling in the sphere of
“By this second fall, Adam and the other followers of
the revolt became the prey of Evil, and fell almost to
the level of Lucifer himself. Driven from the sphere of
Paradise, they were hurled into the darkest depths and
thenceforth Lucifer was lord over them. In his own
realm he was an autonomous ruler. It is true that he
was still subject to the might of God, and hence not
entirely free to do as he chose, but God did not restrict
his authority over those who had voluntarily become
his subjects. It was the terrible consequence of the
justice meted out by God that Lucifer was allowed to
call his own all those who had seceded to him. For
such, there was now no escape. Even if they repented
of their desertion to the standard of Evil, their retreat
was cut off. They had indentured themselves to the
Ruler of Hell for all time. That is the acknowledgment
of indebtedness to which Saint Paul refers in his
epistles as an ‘insuperable obstacle’ to the salvation of
the fallen.
“Things are no different in your temporal States.
Whoever becomes the subject of a country must yield
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obedience to its authorities. Without their permission
he may not leave its boundaries, and if the country in
question goes to war with another, he is never allowed
to join the enemy. The same thing true of Lucifer’s
realm: it is in a constant state of war with the kingdom
of God, and hence it was out of the question that
Lucifer would allow a vassal of his to return to that
“Let me cite another example: whoever volunteers for
service in the Foreign Legion is held to the terms of his
enlistment. He may regret his step a thousand-fold; he
may weep over and lament the hardships he has to
endure, but it will avail him nothing. He is under a
harsh discipline that knows no mercy. He must stay, for
if he tries to desert he will be overtaken and recaptured
by the legionnaires, after which his lot will be harder
than ever. There is no bridge to carry him back to that
home and country which he left of his own accord.
“Satan’s dominions are a Foreign Legion of this sort.
For those who had entered it, there was no retreat, no
bridge spanning the gulf that lay between the Foreign
Legion of Darkness and God’s kingdom. Not until later
was this bridge built in the Redemption through Christ,
Who, in the parable of the rich man and the beggar
Lazarus, causes the same truth to be uttered through the
words of Abraham: ‘And besides all this, between us
and you there is a great gulf fixed, and they that would
pass from hence to you may not be able, and that none
may cross over from thence to us.’(Luke 16:26.)
“By way of a third illustration, consider the fate of a
soldier who deserts his own side in wartime and goes
over to the enemy. However bitterly he may repent of
his desertion subsequently, and much as he may long to
be back in his native country, he will not be released.
“I have now taken you to that point in my teachings at
which you are shown two antagonistic realms,
separated from each other by an un-bridged gulf: the
realm of those who had departed from God, or the
‘Kingdom of the Dead’, and the Kingdom of God; the
realm of Darkness, opposed to the Realm of Light;
Lucifer’s kingdom against that of Christ; on one side
Lucifer, on the other, Christ.
“Nevertheless, God loves all His children, even those
who were driven from their Father’s home because of
their own transgressions. Since He had created them
through His Son, and had incorporated them as
spiritual members with the spiritual body of Christ, He
was desirous that these severed limbs be reunited to
His Son’s spiritual frame. ‘And they also, if they
continue not in their unbelief, shall be grafted in: for
God is able to graft them in again’. (Romans 11:23.)
“However, this regrafting of the limbs broken from the
tree of life, this re-incorporation of the severed
members with the life-giving organism of Christ’s
body, was possible only if freely desired by the
apostate spirits. It was of their own free will that they
had joined the rebels, some as ringleaders, others as
partisans in the revolt. If the partisans, when again
subjected to trial in the sphere of Paradise, had fallen a
second time, it had been by their own free choice, and
by their own free choice must they raise themselves
anew and return to the house of the Father.
“This did not seem possible. Out of hand, the return of
Lucifer and his chief henchmen was considered out of
the question, for arrogance that has been humbled turns
into sullen spite, which had rather remain unhappy than
to confess itself beaten.
“The rank and file, those spirits which had been
deluded into joining the revolt, were still animated by
sentiments very different from those entertained by
their leaders, yet even they saw no hope of being saved
from the Pit. Where no hope of salvation exists, the
will to achieve it is absent, and where the will is
lacking, no effort is made to prepare the way to
“Even if these spirits had possessed the will to escape,
they would have faced an impassable obstacle in the
shape of Lucifer’s control over them, which even God,
after He had granted it, could not curtail.
“But God’s ways are wonderful, and His wisdom finds
means to achieve every end. ‘But thou sparest all: for
they are thine, O Lord, thou lover of souls’. (Wisdom
“Therefore, after the defection of the spirits, He
determined upon a plan by which He would recover
those who had forsaken Him.
“God’s plan of salvation is the great secret imparted to
Saint Paul and to the other Apostles by spirits which
Christ had sent them, but even the apostles did not dare
to reveal this plan in its entirety to the early Christian
communities, to which indeed the greater part of the
plan would have been incomprehensible. In their case
it had to be left to the spirits of God, speaking through
mediums, to instruct these communities little by little
in the whole truth, much as I am instructing you at this
“You too will find it difficult to grasp the full truth of
God’s plan of salvation. Mortals cannot, as Saint Paul
told the early Christians in his epistles, digest solid
food, but must at first be fed with milk, as infants are
fed. The truth in its full grandeur and in its entirety is
an intellectual food, fit only for those whose minds
have acquired their full strength. A selection of truths
which are easily understood is the ‘milk’ which is
given to those who are undeveloped in the faith and its
“What I shall give you hereafter will not be milk, but
meat, as indeed there was much meat in what I have
already related to you. I shall not content myself with
merely apprising you of the truth concerning the great
questions of the Beyond. I want, rather, that you should
gather a thorough knowledge of the fundamental
correlation of the individual facts from my teachings,
for the inquiring mind is satisfied only by an
understanding of the underlying causes of events